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Why Are STEM Subjects Important for Today’s Generation of Young People

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STEM is an acronym short for the subjects Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. They teach children to be critical thinkers, question the world around them and invent solutions. It’s a core part of the curriculum and increasing initiatives are being set up to encourage children to explore STEM and address the skills gap that exists across industries. A boys’ school in London who has a huge focus on STEM, shares why it’s vital in today’s world and how it can help today’s generation of young people.

Understanding of The Wider World

Regardless of the career your child wishes to follow, STEM is essential to developing a sound understanding of the world and how it works. For example, children learn about space, and modern issues affecting us such as climate change. This can prepare them for later life and help them grow to be well-rounded individuals. Also, with such imminent and pressing issues such as climate change, we must work hard to come up with solutions and educate children in STEM.

Maths Ability

STEM teaches children basic everyday life skills such as maths which they need to do things such as tell the time and calculate problems.

Other Skills That Can Be Built

There are many other valuable skills that can be built through STEM education such as creativity, problem solving and resilience. In coding for example, children encounter roadblocks which teaches them to get up after their setbacks and develop patience. For today’s generation who have everything easily accessible, this is a valuable skill to work on.

Future Proof Career

To continue the point above, technology is evolving at a fast pace and is changing the way that many industries work. To set themselves up for success and leverage a good career, it’s vital that children have an understanding of how technology works. According to experts, as many as 75% of jobs by the year 2030 could require some level of advanced digital skill.

Where STEM Can Take Them

The career opportunities available through STEM are also exciting and endless. Children can go on to explore a range of careers from software development to immunology and the spread of disease.

How You Can Help Your Child

STEM can be a confusing area for parents. If you’re not quite confident at helping your child on these particular subjects, what schools sometimes do is hold STEM clubs and related activities that allow children to explore and grow their understanding. Similarly, there are a range of resources available to parents, videos children can watch and learn from directly, educational TV programmes and books. Also, you can work on the core thinking skills needed, such as problem solving and encourage them to ask questions.

STEM is of course incredibly important for children to explore, but so are other subjects that allow children to learn about themselves and their talents. So, in addition to helping your child and encouraging them to pursue STEM, be sure that they have ample opportunity to explore their own interests.

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